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1 minute read

node-fetch with proxies

Alistair Smith

December 22, 2020

Cover Image for node-fetch with proxies

Using node-fetch with HTTP Proxies

It's fairly easy to add proxies to node-fetch, but it took me a while to figure out the best way. After a couple of hours scrolling through GitHub, trying a plethora of different methods, I concluded that the following code is the best method to do it.

yarn add node-fetch http-proxy-agent

# And, if you use TypeScript
yarn add @types/node-fetch @types/http-proxy-agent -D
import { HttpProxyAgent } from "http-proxy-agent";
import fetch, { RequestInit } from "node-fetch";

function fetchWithProxy(url: string, proxy: string, init?: RequestInit) {
  const agent = new HttpProxyAgent(proxy);
  return fetch(url, { agent, ...(init ?? {}) });

  { method: "POST" }
).then((res) => console.log(res.statusText));

As written above, the format for the proxy must be http://username:password@host:port. This works great from my testing and means you don't have to use other deprecated libraries, like request.

Hope this small code snippet helps!

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